Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Senjuinrikio = Mine!

Well after 15 tries, I finally got my Senjuinrikio to drop. I was so excitied about it finally dropping that I couldn't stop squealing. And then sad part was after 15 tries and it not dropping, it finally starts raining them >.>. I think someone in SE was laughing at me then lol.

Finally dinged 73 on NIN so im pretty happy. Im getting much closer to 75 and its driving me insane to be so close to it. Also been working on building up the ISP for Perdu, but im starting to realize its going to me awhile to get that one. I didn't think about how long its going to take to get that much ISP. But it'll be well worth it when I do finally get it. And im 10k into my goal so far. I figure I'll get NIN to 75, and then merit on RDM and that'll help. That or just get to work on lvling WHM since its at 54. Haven't quite decided yet, since I really need to finish meriting RDM and PLD and of course NIN. My only questions are what all im going to merit on NIN. I guess I'll figure out when I ding 75 and read up on it.

Kind of sad tho to hear that one of my good friends is quitting the game. I understand that people get bored with it after awhile, its just sad to see someone so nice and sweet go. I'll miss you so much Purptigerlilly. Im glad that I have her added on FB so that really its not so much of a goodbye. But I will miss her on the game.

Time to go though, rl work calls!

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