Saturday, February 6, 2010


So sleepy right now but so happy. As of 2/5/2010 I've finally dinged 75 NIN. I think that job has become my newest love. I've been working so hard on trying to get the right gear for it. I'm hoping that Byakko gives me some nice kitty pants soon. And earning towards my Perdu Blade slowly but surely. The party I dinged in was fun especially because my boyfriend who was my guru for NIN got to be there with me. Working on his SAM of course. So I finally have my 3rd 75. And im debating on whether I should get to work on merits now that I've procrastinated them for so long, or if I should just campaign them out. Because to be honest I absoutely hate most merit parties. Unless its with friends, or I have something to entertain myself with, I get so bored and after like an hour im ready to go. I can't play like some who can sit there for hours on end meriting.

I also got my Dryad's Staff finally for WHM. Soon as I can get a copy of the SS my friend took, ima post it up. It was my first nm I did on NIN so I was pretty proud myself. Of course was only 74 lol. Soon as I dinged 75 tho it was like I broke NIN in by going after the Dunes Boot NM and then heading to Savage Blade WSNM. And of course some pages in Terrigan to end the night. I can't wait til I get more haste gear. Im addicted to it now lol.

The new icon for my blog is a picture a good friend mine from the game drew. Her name is Nekonaoko and she drew a picture of me and my boyfriend's character together as a Christmas present. Im trying to steal his Ninja gear :X.

Must go pass out now as im tired from lvling. And craving hot wings. Just had to post to celebrate my 3rd 75.