Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So many updates to post!

Well as promised here is my next update since I finally got a chance to post again. So I've been trying to remember everything I have done since I had last posted. I did finish ACP missions, which was interesting. The storyline seemed a bit lacking, but was still good nonetheless. And the missions were pretty simple and easy. Infact I enjoyed doing the Fei'Yen fight one, and even helped some LS members do it again after I finished mine. I found that my RDM could somewhat kite the goblin in that fight. Of course it disappears and goes to attack someone randomly, but it usually ends up coming right back to me after it rapes someone lol. So usually our setup involved a tank, rdm, whm, and 3 random DD. Now the last fight, was the most evil of them all. And at one point seriously made me wonder if it was worth buying the expansion for that body piece. The tower climb alone was a headache, even with an escort. And then the fight seemed almost beyond ridicolous. And took us 8 tries before we finally won. And we tried so many setups. We'd either wipe, or time out every single time it seemed. Our winning setup though was me on rdm/whm (main healing ftw! I used marron glace btw for that extra mp boost), drk/? for stuns (never had an issue with any aga spells, and he never missed a stun once), pld/war, nin/war (I'll explain how this one worked), sam/rng, and rng/nin. And it worked out beautifully. Now im sure your curious about the setup so let me explain.

First off, I had no /drk for chainspell stun, so I figured why not main heal instead. As I am pretty proud of myself for being capable of main healing anyways on rdm. And of course I used marron glace for food. Also I tried to keep any DoTs I could on the boss. Such as Bio 3, Poison 2, etc. The DRK was there for stuns and extra DoTs. And mind you never once did he miss a stun. Which makes me wonder why so many people were determined you had to have a chainspell stunner. PLD was the first to run up and voke and pop 2 hr since with the boss AoE, you risk having all your timers reset. Which I later discovered if you stay really close to the door, you can actually evade that AoE since I didn't have my timers reset the last fight. The NIN actually was very handy in clone control, and for when the PLD would either become charmed, or at one point when the PLD actually died, the NIN was able to voke the boss and let it simply eat its shadows when it'd pull it in over and over. As for when the PLD gets charmed, my best advice is let him come up top to where your standing at before you sleep him. So that way hes nearby when you can wake him and he doesn't get caught in the middle of an AoE. And as long as the boss doesn't do any of its AoE's other than the draw in, our NIN didn't have much trouble just being sucked in over and over. The sam and rng of course were also on clone control, and were rnged attacking the boss. And thats pretty much all that it took. I always made sure the DRK had haste and refresh on him, as the other DDs had haste. The PLD had refresh on him at all times. And basically the rest of the fight was keeping DoTs on the boss, and making sure the pld didn't die.

And as for the body piece, I of course got Royal Redingote. Since I don't have relic yet for my RDM, I decided to turn it into a fast cast piece. So I put on Fast Cast +5. and Enmity-5. And I macroed it in for when I do cures. I thought about getting the PLD type body piece but decided I'd rather wait and see what SE comes out with when the new IR comes out. An im actually pretty satisfied with body piece I picked. I might later go back and redo the fight once I get relic, and decide to level something else that might get use out of one the other body pieces.

Also I've been working on merits for RDM. And for those who are curious this is what I have so far:
2 Merits in Max MP
1 Merit in Sword Skill
1 Merit in Enfeebling Magic Skill
1 Merit Spell Interruption Rate
2 Merits in Convert Recast
1 in Ice Magic Acc.
1 in Slow 2
2 Merits in Paralyze 2

I know its a pretty random list, but im slowly working on more merits. I am probably going to add Phalanx 2 to the list as well. It just seems lately I got caught up in leveling PLD, which has become my 2nd love. I have discovered that I absoutely love that job, and right now I currently have it to 69. I hope to have it to 75 before the end of the month. And im pretty excitied that since I have RDM, I can easily merit PLD at any time. And once I get a chance I'll update on what gear I have on my PLD and what I've been doing with it.

Well, thats about all I have to update on tonight. My fingers are begging for a break, and its time I head back to the game. Tomorrow im suppose to be doing Ouryu fight, since I've finally started working on CoP again, so I hope it goes well. Im doing the run with my LS mates from Mini Mart. I absoutely love that Linkshell and its been like a home and family for me being there. If you ever come to Shiva server, feel free to send me a tell and I'll get you a pearl for the LS. Its very wonderful group indeed, and I've been with them for almost a year now, and love talking to my ls mates on vent, or on the phone. And just the stuff we do when we hang out is so much fun. Anyways, time for me end this blog and head back to the game to go poke stuff.


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