Monday, January 12, 2009

Too Soon

First I want to say thank you to roxya for your last comment. I wanted to reply but can't seem to get to your blog so I figured I'd just say thanks in my next blog. It is crazy how many subs RDM is expected to have. Especially if you plan on doing endgame as well. I still don't think I'm going to bother getting DRK up just because being the chainspell stunner doesn't sound very fun lol. But im starting to learn that I need to force myself into breaks occasionally now or else im going to get annoyed with the game all over again. Glad to see your back in the game though and I hope you enjoy it not after such a long break.

Which comes to the subject of this blog. I started off my last break too soon >.<. I figured a week should be good enough so I jumped right back in. I got my whm to 37 finally (woots!), and blm to 34 by leveling in the dunes. I figured XP is XP, and the only people I could find worth partying with was LS members who had jobs that level. Besides usually its easier to have a long party with friends vs. one you put together from those who're seeking. Atleast in my experience anyways, though I'll will say I have occasionally come across some parties I've got from seeking that have lasted a really long time. Anyways after getting those 2 up, I had originally planned on continuing to level up RDM. But then the subject of joy toy's came up...

I was given a ToD for Charybdis from a friend. Which the first ToD didn't turn out well because with my poor luck he popped 5 minutes into his window opening. And sadly my group didn't get out there til about 15 mins into it since I think we all expected it to be one those 3 hour waits. So I spent the next 3 days getting ToD's and trying to go after him. The 2nd attempt I was actually able to get him! With only 4 hours into his window opening. But sadly me and my friends made a newb mistake and stayed with him down in the water instead taking him up on the ramp. So when one of the devil mantas respawned, it went after our whm (who was dual boxing as a NIN) and killed him first, while I finally managed to sleep it it eventually woke up and came after me and killed me. During this time our THF had been killed as well because of Chary. Which we made such a newb mistake because we were so excitied to even get claim. There was a alliance down there trying to get him, and infact I'm guessing their getting their whole LS joy toys because they've been down there the last couple days trying to claim him. So far they've got him atleast 3 times lol. Anyways we got Chary down to 50% before all dying due to the link. Which if your wondering, I had a level 75 THF, 75 NIN, 75 WHM, and me as 68 RDM/BLM. It worked out pretty decently and I think if we had pulled him up on the ramp we might have actually killed him.

Anyways the next ToD I had I actually got a really good group up for it. I spent 8 hours waiting on that evil evil Chary with no pop. And it was 6 AM for me at the time we stopped, and I was so ready to pass out. SSG was filled to the brim with people to, when I searched the area we had a total of 63 people. And I can say atleast 40 of them were in that room with us. Which made me ill because out that many people, only maybe 15 of them had actually been there last couple days trying and getting ToD and busting there butt. The rest I think just saw there was a lot of people in SSG and decided to show up and see what they could get. Anyways, after waiting 8 hours with friends from both LSes im in, we all agreed we were tired and our claiming abilities were starting to slow and half of us were on the verge of passing out. Our poor THF was so dead tired that he'd actually rest in between spawns and I'd have to whenever it was time for a new spawn. So we gave in to sleep and said we'd try again.

I of course left Nindo AFK as did a friend incase my fail internet d.ced me and I didn't get the roundabout ToD. Which he did get an exact ToD for popped 40 mins. after we left. Trust me after hearing that I wanted to /cry. Worst part was that it didn't go to a person who actually was there for a long time and had been trying. It went to some last minute party that showed up. Which im happy they got there joy toy, but part of me feels slightly ill I guess lol. But in the end its whoever gets claim so I guess it did go to the right person. Anyways, after spending 8 hours on him, and sacrificing some well needed sleep the first time I had ToD because I had work 3 hours after that, I have started to feel a little burnt out again. I realize that its to be expected if I really want that sword and its not something I should expect to just be handed to me or that I should get it because I've been there for last couple of days. And I realize its an almost 12 hour NM. I just think I came back too soon and forced myself into sacrificing way too much sleep and time.

So im forcing myself into another break =/.

And im really going to take this one seriously.

Anyways onto another subject.

I helped Corol and Eth in my other LS get to Rank 4 in their Bastok Mission before I made SSG my new home. Which I have to admit being able to show off my RDM and kick some NMs butts makes me feel all good inside. I killed their NMs in Beadeaux for them, and also the one in the Tower to get their keys. And I had blast. I've recently got Stone 3, which yes I've been a little late on getting the Tier 2 and 3 Nukes since been trying to level up so much lately, and I have been using that spell like crazy. I enjoy it way too much lol. I usually average out about 350 damage every time I use it which makes me feel all badass. Eth also showed me how you could decently farm in Beadeaux, which it actually worked out pretty well.

Your main goal is to get Quadav Helms, scrolls, Mauls, and if you got space some the equipment they drop like the scale stuff. I mainly went for the scrolls and Maul.

The Quadav Helms drop off most the Quadav there, and can be turned in for a Quest called Vengeful Wrath for 900 gil. Or you can try AH it if you don't feel like turning them in, on my server they usually go for about 1k apiece on the AH.

Then Mauls drop off the Garnet Quadav and they NPC for about 2.3 up to 3k. I love things you can NPC since I hate waiting for stuff to sell on the AH so this was perfect for me. Anyways also snag the silence scroll or any the others which sell on the AH fast and usually for 1k or more.

Garnet, Sapphire, and Topaz all drop scrolls you can AH for really good.

And finally the NMs there are pretty decent. I went after Zo'Khu Blackcloud and Ge'Dha Evileye. Evileye's Faerie Tunic can be NPCed for about 3.5k or you can try selling it on the AH. Holy Phial from Evileye goes for about 10k on my server. And the Faerie Shield from Blackcloud usually goes for about 19-25k on my server. I tried going after the Valkyrie's Mask NM as well, but made the mistake of getting one too many links and dying. So I just decided to stick with the other NMs.

I wanted to just share some that with everybody since I know that its hard to find something worth NPCing these days seeing as everytime we find something good, rmts come along and ruin it for us.

Well thats all for this post. I'm going to take my break seriously this time. And I'm still working on the next part of my story for Nindo. Take care all and thanks for reading this incredibly long post of mine lol.



Unknown said...

I've not got a blog :)

There are really two sides to this game. One side is the one that made me quit the first time -- waiting 6 hours for EXP PTs (though it seems Level Sync and increased demand for RDMs has fixed this), NM camps, endless layers of hurdles and time-sinks. I imagine I'll be adding end-game monotony to that list at some point.

The problem is that when I take a break, I forget about these things and remember everything I love -- the social aspect, the undeniably charming environments and music, the deep battle mechanics, the sense of achievement when you get something done.

I think most of us have a real love-hate relationship with Square-Enix. They put us through hell but at the same time, we are generally rewarded for sticking with it.

Thanks for the Beadeaux tip, I'll definitely try it out. I returned with almost no gil and, like everyone else, I'm finding it hard to make some.

The Depressed Theologian said...

lol roxya, totally agree with the whole love hate thing XD

Don't despare, nindo, youll get ur joy toy soon enough. I went thru the same frustation, just check out the TODs section on the WC forums, look for chary topic. ~_^ took me 4.5 yrs after starting this game to finally get it, and just cuz of a lucky opportunity. we need to get Zonist his too.